Cédric Grolet at The Berkeley

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  • Visit Date: 25th February 2022
  • Restaurant: Cédric Grolet at The Berkeley
  • Address: The Berkeley, Wilton Place, London SW1X 7RL
  • Telephone: +44 207 7107 8927

Upon my official visit to Marcus at The Berkeley, I couldn’t resist venturing in to see Cédric and his amazing new pastry bar. Given that I was eating lunch shortly, I only indulged in two of the many exquisite delights on offer, being the hazelnut and the vanilla flower, both were excellent, and what a beautiful place, and a huge asset not just to the hotel but to London too. 

So much talent pours out of Cédric in his masterpieces that not only look incredible but taste it too, and it was a joy to go and experience it, and finally meet him at long last too. Just had to share it with you as it’s all too special.

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